A quick update on Gracie. I did a little more shading and experimenting with solvent and liked the results. I like the painterly look you get when the solvent dissolves the pigment and you don't see the pencil strokes any more. This was not the first time I've tried solvent, but I've been busy trying new techniques and hadn't used it lately.
I'm trying to do something with this portrait that I'm not good at: Get it done right the first time and don't redo it. Easier said than done! I tend to fuss over details too much. This time, instead of jumping right in to do the face, I spent some time really studying Gracie's features. I noted things like the angles on her mouth, the way her facial shadows start and end gradually, the fact that one eye looks slightly larger than the other (due to the slight turn of the head) and made a note to resist the impulse to make the eyes exactly alike. In other words, I'm trying to capture what it is that makes Gracie Gracie. What does Gracie's expression say and how do I translate that into paint (pencil)? When I felt comfortable, I drew the features. I'm going to let it sit a little and see where adjustments are needed. Then, onto the color!
Lovely to see your WIP and to have it explained how you go about it. I'm looking foward to seeing how it progresses.
It is wonderful to see how far you've come in such a short while!! The way you are approaching this is so different from Levi that it's hard to put it into words, but it's a real difference all the same.
Looking forward to seeing your next steps.
Thanks for the WIP, you make me want to pick up pencils. I try once in a while. On Pastelbord I found it faster and that helped, maybe I will try again.
It's looking fantabulous to me, Teresa!! I love the softness rendered by the solvents .. and your accuracy is clearly showing!!! BRAVA! I hope you're well!
I think this is coming along very well.
Hi Teresa, this is really coming on, I would like to know more about how you used the solvent and what type etc, it seems to have given you a very smooth soft efferct.
Thank you all for the encouraging comments.... much appreciated!
I used Eco-House Xtra Mild Citrus Thinner (which was recommend to me by Ann of Blue Bird Hill blog). I've also used mineral spirits and Turpenoid at other times. They all seem to work about the same way (dissolving the pencil pigment so you get a smooth look) but the Eco House doesn't smell as strong or as yucky as the other two - it's more pleasant to use. I applied it with a small, square shaped paintbrush (one used for acrylics), and after I lightly dipped the brush into the thinner I touched the brush to a paper towel so I wouldn't get too much. I followed the direction of the pencil strokes, reloaded with more thinner if necessary, and wiped the brush off before I went into an area with a different color. Once you've applied solvent you can still go back over the piece with more cp if you wish but the surface is smoother and seems softer.
This is looking good and it's exciting to see it progressing.
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