Enjoy life now... it has an expiration date.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Levi - WIP #2

More work done on Levi (first WIP posted underneath second WIP).

Apparently I'm leaving the fun stuff (you know, the face and the fingers) for last.... gotta get those pencils warmed up before I tackle those! Constructive criticism welcome.

Oh........... Happy Thanksgiving!


Lin said...

This is coming along splendidly!!! I'm loving it!! And happy Thanksgiving to you too!!!!

Acornmoon said...

Nice work! You and I have some things in common, we both have sons in their twenties who bring girlfriends home to visit, lots of work in the kitchen, but would we have it any other way? Enjoy Thanksgiving.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Love your drawing.

Anonymous said...

No criticism, this is going very nicely!

Teresa said...

Lin - Thank you! You're such a sweet encourager!

Valerie - Re: "things in common".... yes, we'll both be worked to death over the holidays catering to our offspring! LOL!! But as you say, we wouldn't have it any other way. Famiy is definitely the best part of the holidays.

Weaver - Thank you so much. I love your writing!

Kay Susan - Thank you! Nice to hear from you again!

Jo Castillo said...

This painting is coming right along, beautiful. Hope your Thanksgiving was blessed. Love the posts about the blueberry bushes. See ya...

"JeanneG" said...

The little crocs are so cute. You are doing a really good job. Can't wait till you tackle the skin.

Thought of you when I had my hot chocolate tonight.

Teresa said...

Jo: Thank you! Thanksgiving was wonderful... so wonderful it took all day Sunday (we celebrated Wed thru Sat with family and friends) to recover from it! :-)

Jeanne: I was dreading the crocs (all those Mickey Mouse shaped little holes) but to my surprise it actually went fairly quickly and easily. Hope the face and fingers go that well.... fingers crossed!

Cathy Gatland said...

This is looking gorgeous - an heirloom in the making!

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