Enjoy life now... it has an expiration date.

Friday, May 23, 2008

A new venture (or, how another blog came into being....)

A couple of months ago I discovered the world of blogging.

I was immediately amazed that (a) there was a whole new world out there and I had remained ignorant of it for years - even though I work on a computer 5 days a week-, and (b) there were lots of really nice folks busily blogging away who were kind enough to share their knowledge and offer encouragement.

After discovering blogging, I signed up for a dozen or more art blogs and enjoyed the colorful postings. But the idea of having my own blog never occurred to me. Actually it was suggested to me. By Rose of Rose's Art Lines. Rose initiated a Virtual Sketch Date in which one person picks a photo, emails it to all the participants and after a week each participant uploads their sketch to their blog so that we can all see each other's drawing. Great idea. And of course everyone participating in the Virtual Sketch Date had a blog.... except yours truly. Rose was kind enough to upload my image onto her blog, giving me the thrill of seeing my work on the net for the first time ever. (Ask my husband.... "Honey, my sketch is on the net!" I said as I dragged him over to my computer for a look).

The next sketch date is June. I considered starting a blog. Nah. I know nothing about a blog. I don't have time for a blog. Nope. No blog for me. But the blog idea wouldn't go away. I remembered Rose posting on how a blog motivates you to make more art and knew that I needed to make more art. Plus, if I had a blog I could upload my own sketch for the Virtual Sketch Date and could share recipes, quotes, a good book I'd found. Might be fun? Is this how we talk ourselves into something?

So, here we are. I'm not sure how often I'll post or what will be in the posts. You might get a quote, a recipe, a sketch or painting or just a little chat. And, of course, I'm new to all of this so bear with me as I experiment and learn my way around.

Thanks for stopping by!

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